Become a Part of It

There are 785 million people on the planet who don’t have access to clean water. That’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide. The majority live in isolated rural areas where they don’t have daily life needs available and they spend several hours daily walking to collect water for their family. That need of water keeping children out of schools and wasting parents precious time in which they can earn money for their children. This water also carries many diseases and is very hazardous for health.
With a charitable donation, you can lift the burden of finding clean water from these people. Become a part of this noble cause by donating now.

About The Organisation

“COMMUNITY WATER, SANITATION AND HOPE FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED’’ abbreviated “ COWASAO” represented by MR. MBAKWA FIDELIS AKWENOH, President, in conformity with the provisions of law N° 90/053 of 19th December 1990.


Our main priority is to a clean environment for the underprivileged people. They need schools, hospitals, proper healthcare, and clean water.



Our vision is to be a catalyst in facilitating social change in the lives of the underprivileged people in our society.